WDI Spring ’09 Odds

Say it ain’t so Snoot? For the first time in the past century, the Snoot is not a single digit ‘no mo’. The last time he was a “10” was when Miss Woods, a black lady, sat at a dime store counter in Selma, Ala., circa 1951. When contacted by this reporter for his response, he wept profusely. Then he stood up and exclaimed” I’m winning the Alabama WDI”.

When contacted at his Caribbean resort, Jimmy the ‘Geek’ immediately changed Snoot’s odds to 8-1, “He’s capable of putting up some good scores, because he is a grizzled vet. If he does so early, watch out.”

Some of the WDI Tour’s players offered their comments:

Hyden-Seek—Is Alabama a dry state?

Mudman–If it is, Snoot is in trouble.

Prezkap–If he was a 10 at So. Hills, he coulda won.

Duke–He sucksl

Kapalua–His 2-man partner Boynie said he’s not playing.

Whatever. Here are the Alabama handicaps: Duke–3; Hackster–5; Kapalua–9; Snoot–10; Joebob–12; Fishman–14; Stevie Sideberns–16; Boynie–17

Yours in sports,

Rick Reilly

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